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Egyptian export center
Our company is privately owned by the undersigned, We are a leading company in the field of dates and orange in Egypt, we are a manufacturer and an exporter of many kinds of fruits, vegetables,
fanda company
Good Day sir we are trading company in general vergetables supplyof  frute like orange , lemon , mandarin , strawberry , melon ,onion , potato  garlic/tomatos/carrots/green perper
Our Company which is based in a Village in The Middle of Delta Nile and our Warehouse is there too Near Tanta City , Egypt . We have the advantage to be in the place where every thing about
2020-08-13 13:00:00
Chiny – nieco drożej za cebulę
W ciągu ostatnich dni sprzedaż świeżej cebuli z Gansu stopniowo rosła, a cena utrzymuje się na poziomie 0,35-0,55 juana za pół kilograma, czyli o 0,1-0,2 juana więcej niż
2020-01-07 10:20:34
Indie – cebula jeszcze zdrożeje
Poważny niedobór podaży cebuli w Indiach już wpłynął na cały światowy handel tym warzywem. Wydaje się jednak, że to nie koniec perturbacji. Ceny cebuli w Indiach
2019-01-30 14:58:33
Co z cenami cebuli?
Mijający tydzień przyniósł korektę cen cebuli w polskim dużym hurcie. Tym samym potwierdziły się nasze przewidywania formułowane na łamach portalu fresh-market.pl (patrz
2018-12-10 16:02:40
Central Poland - onion prices have slowed down?
The end of November and the beginning of December were marked by a dynamic increase in prices of onions in the Polish wholesale market. Also in the centre of the country. However, in recent days
2018-12-07 09:47:27
Onion prices still upwards in Poland?
The upward trend of onion prices on the Polish wholesale market has been going on since the end of September. What is interesting, it is mainly driven by the demand for peeled onions. Prices of
2018-11-27 19:28:31
Central Poland - break in the trend of onion prices?
On the wholesale markets in the centre of Poland for the last two weeks we have had a significant increase in the prices of onions. It seems, however, that this upward trend may now be slowed down
2018-11-19 13:01:39
The 2018/2019 season is already in the memory when it comes to onion prices in Europe.
Prices of onions in the Polish large wholesale are currently 0,30 - 0,37 EUR/kg for onions calibrated and packed in bags. Prices for loose onions reach 0,28 EUR/kg. It was not so expensive at this
2018-11-19 10:20:00
Cebula będzie jeszcze droższa?
Ceny cebuli w polskim dużym hurcie to obecnie 1,30 – 1,60 zł/kg dla cebuli kalibrowanej i pakowanej w worki. Ceny za cebulę luzem sięgają 1,20 zł/kg. Tak drogo
2018-11-15 12:47:25
What is the situation on the onion market in south-eastern Poland?
The upward trend in wholesale prices of onions seems to be waning. And it's not surprising, because even with low harvests prices can't increase indefinitely. So far it seems that the
2018-11-14 09:33:40
Demand for onions on the Polish wholesale market (especially for peeling onions) is not weakening.
The only factor that can stop the upward trend is imports. And it is the one from the east, not the one from the west, because there is also a lack of onions in Europe. There is a lot of onions in
2018-10-19 17:09:57
Szalone ceny cebuli
Koniec sierpnia, cały wrzesień a nawet początek października upłynęły na rynku cebuli w Polsce pod znakiem stabilizacji cen. W dużym hurcie w tym okresie doszło do
2018-07-24 11:51:42
Turcja – ceny ziemniaków to wciąż gorący temat
Rynek turecki odnotował znaczny wzrost cen ziemniaków, jednego z podstawowych tureckich składników codziennej diety. Konsumenci byli naturalnie niezadowoleni z tej
2016-01-23 18:00:00
Onions – it can be expensive end of the season
Until recently, the onion market in Poland remained relatively stable. Prices were... Read more
2016-01-23 18:00:00
Onions – it can be expensive end of the season
Until recently, the onion market in Poland remained relatively stable. Prices were quite high (but not record), but we did not have to deal with a clear upward trend, which many market
2015-07-31 10:00:00
Indie – znów kłopoty z cenami cebuli
Tak jest i tym razem. Tym razem media donoszą o nagłym wzroście cen cebuli na lokalnych rynkach hurtowych. Co prawda w lipcu ceny cebuli w Indiach rosną co roku. Wynika to
2014-04-17 10:36:49
Austria - less onion
Onion producers from all European countries can feel satisfied. Sale has started and prices have gone up. In Austria such trend started earlier than in other countries. Sitauation on the
2014-04-02 13:46:32
Polish onion in Ukrainian supermarkets
Furthermore, a week before supermarkets preferred relatively inexpensive onions of Turkish origin, while now they are more interested in purchasing Polish produce. Retail chains connect those
2013-11-20 10:58:05
Central Poland - stable price of onion
Prices of onion dopped in wielkopolskie last week. However in łódzkie and mazowieckie they remain stable. On the wholesale market in Bronisze they even increased slightly. Onion in 15kg bag
2012-10-26 00:00:00
Onion for processing
 However in October the prices increased to last year's level (about 0.225 euro/kg). This week in mazowieckie, kujawsko-pomorske and zachodniopomorskie provinces price of peeled onion
2012-08-07 00:00:00
Young onions with the scale are a little costlier
Price reductions resulted from the large increase in supply. Very high temperatures and sunny weather gave the right conditions for moisture removal in the onion fields. Rapid influx of new